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RENNES LE CHÂTEAU - "The Legacy of the Real Blood" - Jean Michel Raoux - In French with English sub-titles - 05 FA FILM

Since the discovery in 1983 of original documents signed « Magdala » by Mr Raymond Spinosi at the Visigothic tower of Fa, a group of researchers was put on the trail of possible descendants of the Holy Grail, that is to say the couple Mary Magdelene and Jesus. After much research with maps and with many clues left in place by initiates, the message becomes clear and reveals the fantastic legacy of this sacred lineage. Are you ready to receive this ineffable secret ?

Jean Michel Raoux

Teacher, advanced spiritual science researcher, he works in a team of researchers dedicated to developing the strength, health and vitality of planetary consciousness.
Lecturer and trainer, he is an animator on LGC5 channel of the site :
He proposes unpublished video conferences on these themes every month.
For a better understanding of these revelations, you can view three more DVDs from the collection at Debowska Productions :

Contact :

Jean Michel Raoux
Campagne Ste Anne,
Route de Rians,
8347O – Ollières.
Tel : O4 94 86 59 6O
O6 67 91 14 52

Pour commander le DVD 15 € :



Pour télécharger le film 15 € :


Extrait du film :


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